This is a prototype of a roguelite game including procedural content generation and AI. 

This is a graded exercise for the SAE Institute Geneva.

The web version has some graphic bugs, it is better to set the full screen to avoid most of them.

You can move the penguin from room to room by clicking on the doors.

When you enter a room, a turn-based battle begins.

To defend yourself, you have 2 decks of cards: the green deck has cards for moving around, and the red deck has cards for attacking enemies.

Have fun ! 


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Pretty cool game :) Like it !
The card draw system however is strange. It's say I already draw 5 but it's not correct. I can't draw a card if : there is no more card in the deck and I have a card of that type in my hand. This gameplay blocked me.

Thank you for your message and for taking the time to test my game. The fact that the player has to play all the cards in a deck before being able to draw another is deliberate. I wanted to test a mechanic that forces the player to think about how to attack enemies within the constraints of his cards. You have to try to optimize your moves and attacks.